What's the difference between all the blog sites anyways? Is one superior over the other? I mean is there a blog site status, where all the cool bloggers go here, the nerdy bloggers go there, and the specialists go yonder? I guess maybe as I become more blog savvy the truth shall reveal itself.
Let's begin with a photo.
Rachel and Ian, ladies and gents. Myself and brother, a.k.a. roomie. He's a pretty cool guy who is kind and quite the ladies man. This shot was from a Glow in the Dark fashion show in Seattle a few weekends back. It was fun showing the bro a little of what I do on the side.
It's funny when you have complete freedom to say and post what you want, the places your mind take you when discerning what to write. I have this odd passion for nutritional therapy. Meaning, I study food in my free time. I do this online or by conducting experiments with my own eating habits. I try not to obsess, but it is most certainly a lifestyle more than anything. If I was to describe how I eat I'd say, mostly vegan, a lot of raw, and a little meat. I do this primarily because it makes me feel mentally and physically on point. What I eat effects my performance on all levels. For instance, I've really been digging this in my morning smoothies lately:

Made exclusively from natural plant-based whole foods, Vega is nutritionally complete, alkaline and easy to digest. Mixed with a banana, spinach, kale, some sort of organic berry and almond milk, I find this to be a very satisfying breakfast!
For snacks I munch on apples or grapefruit, maybe walnuts or almonds. For lunch I usually bring a bomb salad such as this one:
Topped with raw apple cider vinegar (to support the PH-balance) and avocado, I am one happy chick. I usually eat more fruit or carrots, maybe yogurt for snacks. In addition to lots of water and green tea of course. My dinner staple often is lentils and quinoa with all sorts of crazy spices.
There you have it. I have officially admitted to you that I am somewhat nutritionally neurotic. It's all a part of the big picture as you will eventually see.
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