I believe that if consumers -a.k.a you- knew that they were slowly being poisoned by what they eat every day, and that simply by buying certain products they were supporting the 'food tycoons' that are responsible for this poison let alone one of the greatest agricultural disasters of all time was quietly unfolding, you and the rest of the USA may think twice about what you purchase at the supermarket. There are some of the greatest disturbing economic trends taking place right now, and the average American has no idea. The choices you make at the supermarket determine the future of food and health of this planet.
12,000 years ago, there were thousands of varieties of crops such as rice, potatoes and corn. In the 19th century there were 7,000 apple varieties in the United States alone. In the 20th century radical changes took place. The invention of nitrogen bombs lead to the development of nitrogen based fertilizers. Nerve gas, which was developed during World War II, was modified to make insecticides. DDT, a synthetic pesticide, became the fuel of it's generation. These herbicides were created with the idea of increasing food production, greater availability and eliminating problems people have long had with agriculture, ultimately to make the most profit as possible.
This radical change, lead to the 'green revolution.' Several decades saw remarkable production. However, the more spray used, the more spray that had to continue to be used in order to maintain crops and avoid bug immunity. Over time, this spray has shown that it leads to many issues, among those polluted water and increased health risks.
In the 1970's Roundup was introduced by the chemical company, Monsanto. Roundup contains the active ingredient glyphosate, and has become the most used herbicide in the USA, the number one selling herbicide worldwide since 1980. The power of Roundup is like none other. It kills anything green from the roots up, even your crops. However, Monsanto also produces seeds which are 'round up ready.' This means these seeds grow into plants genetically engineered to be tolerant of glyphosate. They are modified not to die under Roundup chemicals. This herbicide has proven deadly for wildlife such as deer, birds and insects. Monsanto's corn itself is registered as an insecticide. If a corn worm eats any part of the corn, it dies. Yes, that is the same corn used in high-fructose corn syrup...

90% of crop variety is now extinct due to growing one variety in mass uniformity. Growing a single gene type, one industrial crop which passes it's genes on to other colonies, crowds out diversity. This is a major threat to food security. If you are only growing one variety, intolerance and immune bacteria have the chance to flourish.
European cultures don't want any part to do with GMO's. All 15 countries of the European Union have adopted rules that requires all genetically modified ingredients in their products to be labeled. The Japanese are particularly concerned with the health effects of GMO's. A Japanese trade representative stated they will watch the health of the children of the USA for the next couple generations. Labeling GMO's creates traceability on health effects, and companies such as Monsanto are doing everything they can to prevent this labeling from happening here in the United States.
For instance, if you have a toxic or allergic reaction to a genetically modified ingredient, and it's not labeled on the package, you will never know what caused it. We currently don't have much of a choice in eating GMO foods without the label. Right now we are guinea pigs for a giant science experiment of the biotech companies. Labeling is the only way to make these Corporations liable for health risks.
Current regulations require only minimal safety testing for some foods, and none at all for others. In no case do regulations require evaluation of long term impacts on health.
"Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food. Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Asuring it's safety is the FDA's job." Phil Angell, Director of Corprate Communication Monsanto. -New York Time Oct. 25, 1998-
Dangers of Genetically Modified food include, viral and bacterial illness, cancer and degenerative diseases, allergies, birth defects and shorter life spans, interior toxins, lowered nutrition, toxicity to soil, extinction of seed varieties, super weeds, destruction of forest life, super pests, killing beneficial insects, support of animal factory farming, genetic pollution, disturbance of nature's boundaries, decline and destruction of self-sufficient family farms.
You’ve actually been eating GM foods for about the past decade. They are in most breads, cheeses, sodas and beers in the form of modified enzymes. Whenever you can, buy organic versions of these to avoid contact with (and giving your money to) GMO producers.
Further explanation of the health risks of GM Foods:
relying on petroleum. Purchasing organic produce from local farmers, not only supports independent farmers who are slowly getting shut out, but also supports the environment, the health of your body and future generations.
What about the majority of people who can't afford to buy organic? Buying directly from the farmers at farmer's market cuts out the mark up price from retail stores. You can also grow some organic food yourself, even if you don't have a yard. Windowsills make great little greenhouses. Freezing and canning seasonal produce, stocks you up for the less plentiful months. Participating in organic and sustainable farmed foods is investing in your health; less medical bills and health consequences in the long term balance it out.
1 comment:
Way to educate us. Keep up the good work. What a crazy world we're living in...
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